
セルビア出身 Maraさんの「将来の夢」




 Currently I am a research student at Nara Women's University. I was able to come to Japan in May of 2022 because I was awarded with MEXT scholarship. Apart from being deeply passionate about architecture, I love photography as well. Japanese architecture and culture is impressive. Understanding and experiencing different cultures is truly valuable and influential for all spheres of your life, which is why I persuaded my dream of studying in Japan.

 現在、私は奈良女子大学で研究生をしています。 文部科学省の奨学金を得て、2022年の5月に日本に来ることができました。建築への深い情熱を抱いているほか、写真も大好きです。日本の建築や文化は素晴らしいです。異文化を理解し、体験することは、人生のあらゆる分野に影響を与える大変価値のあることです。だからこそ、私は日本へ留学することを決め実現させました。


 I finished my Architecture Bachelor studies at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Serbia, and then started my Masters course of Architectural Design. Before that I went to language high school. At that time I even thought of going to the Philological Faculty and studying Japanese language, but completely changed my mind and decided to devote my life to Architecture. Most of the times I engage in the self-learning processes, for example photography or digital drawings. Most of the time it does not cost you anything but makes your life much more fulfilling.

 セルビアの技術科学部で建築学の学士号を取得し、その後、建築デザインの修士課程に入りました。その前に、私は語学高校に通っていました。当時は、言語学部に進学して日本語を勉強しようとさえ考えていましたが、完全に気が変わり、建築に人生を捧げることを決意しました。 私は、写真やデジタルドローイングなど、独学で勉強することがほとんどです。その多くは、お金をかけずに人生がより充実したものになります。


 In my home country, Serbia, I loved to experiment with wide variety of part time jobs. But I always had a rule - I will only work those jobs which are going to make me a better person, more knowledgeable and preferably helpful for other people in my local community. Therefore I worked as a tour guide for 4 years, I occasionally worked as a photographer for events and in architectural field. But my two favorite jobs were photographer&manager of Art Gallery and Youth Mentor at Non-governmental organization "Vojvodina Environmental Movement". I am passionate about education and life-long learning.



 I always loved helping other people. That is why I devoted all my free time to volunteering, which I have been doing for the last 10 years in multiple organizations and different aspects of human life (education, health, art, youth, marginalized people, local community and environmental issues) . My current research theme is connecting my professional work in the field of Architecture and my work as a volunteer as well as the work in the NPOs. At this point I am trying to find the best way to find my ikigai trough interdisciplinarity. My goal is to share my knowledge and help people in need. My dream is to connect world on a more profound, empathetic ground, to make a bridge between Japan and Serbia, as well as the rest of the world. I believe in peace and in the renaissance of the humanity.



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