
ポーランド出身 Ewaさんの「将来の夢」




 I am currently a Master Student and a researcher at Keio University. I focus on researching electronic technology in underwater navigation.



 Before moving to Japan, I have studied Computer Science at Minerva University.



 I have finished my studies there and between moving to Japan and now I have also worked in research in France for a Korean company, as well as worked as a freelance software engineer in Germany. During my time in France, I have been part of Natural Language Processing laboratory, which focused on understanding how AI technology can be used to process old documents in languages that no longer are spoken.

 ミネルバ大学卒業後から日本に来るまでの間、フランスで韓国企業のための研究に携わり、ドイツではフリーランスのソフトウェアエンジニアとして働いていました。その他フランスにいる間、自然言語処理研究所に所属し、AI のテクノロジーを駆使して、現代では使用されていない言語で書かれた古い文書を処理する方法を理解することにフォーカスした研究をしていました。


 My future goal is to become an entrepreneur. In my near future I would like to work as a software engineer/ researcher or technical staff behind the cameras in movie industry. In the future I hope to use this experience to build my own company and facilitate more Eastern Europe-Asia cultural exchange. In the past I really enjoyed research and working in technology sector and in the future, I plan to continue to strengthen my technical skills to be able in the long future to create my own company or become a freelancer.



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